Sunday, February 19, 2012

New CFPs for 2013 MLA!

The MLA Division Executive Committee for Slavic and East European Literatures, MLA's Slavic Discussion Group, and the MLA/AATSEEL liaison would like to announce the following calls for papers on Slavic and East European topics for the 2013 MLA convention (Boston, MA, 3-6 January, 2013). These CFPs have also been posted on the MLA website.

Sessions sponsored by the Slavic and East European Literatures Division:

Embodiments of Identity in the Slavic Grotesque
The panel invites papers examining literary constructions of identity in the grotesque mode. Please submit 300-word abstracts to Svetlana Vassileva-Karagyozova (svk AT ku DOT edu) by March 15, 2012.

Gay Culture in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
Gay writers past and present; queer identity; changing social norms; cultural spaces and texts. Please submit a 300-word abstract to Emily Johnson (emilydjohnson AT ou DOT edu). Deadline: March 15, 2012.

Three Worlds as Theory, Reality and Historical Legacy
Once upon a time, the world was divided into first, second and third worlds, corresponding to the "west," "the developing world" and "the Communist Bloc." Or was it? Or perhaps it still is? Papers are invited that address any aspect of the three worlds theory as an object of cultural and literary history. Abstracts to Kevin Platt (kmfplatt AT sas DOT upenn DOT edu) by March 15.

Animated Film in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
Past masters and current trends; theories of film-making; the impact of new technology. Please submit a 300-word abstract to Emily Johnson (emilydjohnson AT ou DOT edu). Deadline: March 15, 2012.

Panels being organized by the Slavic Literatures and Cultures Discussion Group:

Modern Tragedy, East of Europe
Theoretically engaged investigations of tragedy as aesthetic, philosophical, or political strategy. How is modern tragedy (and tragic modernity) inflected at the eastern margin of Europe’s cultural sway? Abstracts to Jonathan Platt (jbplatt AT pitt DOT edu) by March 15.

Central and Eastern European Culture through Emotion
Papers that exemplify how attention to emotions, as affect but also as socially conditioned experience, opens up new perspectives on historical figures, periods, or developments. Abstracts to David Cooper (dlcoop AT illinois DOT edu) by March 15.

MLA panel proposals sponsored by AATSEEL:

One Hundred Years of The Rite of Spring
This panel marking the centenary of The Rite of Spring examines the cultural legacy of the controversial ballet and welcomes papers from a variety of disciplinary perspectives (e.g. theater, dance, music, narrative studies). Please send 250-word abstracts to Rebecca Stanton (rstanton AT barnard DOT edu) by March 15, 2012.

Reading Dissident Writing after Revisionism
We invite approaches to reading Central European writing that transcend the Cold War binaries of opposition and collaboration as well as the "revisionist" models that rejected them. Abstracts to Justin Weir (weir AT fas DOT harvard DOT edu) by March 15.

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